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Preferable Future

In the Fall of 1967, Pastor Stephen Brown spoke these words, to his church, the First Presbyterian, of Quincy, Massachusetts:

“Every church, at one time or another, stands at the crossroads of its church life. One road leads to mediocrity, frustration and failure. The other leads to greatness, fulfillment, and the advance of the Kingdom of God. I believe that now is our time of decision.”

Afterward, he offered his vision of a preferable future for the church. The church agreed with him and decided to take the road toward greatness: they defined their preferable future.

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“I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.”

What worked for Pastor Brown and his church, can also work for the North America School of Theology: A clearly defined statement of its preferable future based on four classic marks that have served churches and Christian organizations for centuries. By “classic” I don’t mean “old and moldy.” I mean that which is always relevant and never out of date. The ancients saw the church as one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. We can look at the North America School of Theology through the same lens.

Vision Statement

The North American School of Theology is committed to training church leaders to lead local congregations in believing the gospel (kerygma), serving others (diakonia), and building community (koinonia).

Author: Rev. Dr. Hardil Thomas, Retired Senior Pastor, Oak Valley Baptist Church, Oak Ridge, TN


Speaks of loving God’s people, using our gifts to minister to one another in the name and power of Jesus.


Means loving God’s person. This involves delighting in God as life’s greatest treasure and pleasure.


Means loving God’s mission. The church has no right to be local, parochial or tribal.


Means loving God’s truth. This involves believing, professing and proclaiming that Jesus is Lord over sin, death, and redemption.

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